What is Triumvirate Coffee Roasters all about?
The idea behind the business came about sometime after we had started home roasting. One day we ran out of coffee and we were desperate enough to open up some coffee capsules to brew. The experience made us think about coffee lovers who do not have direct access to specialty coffee, people who live away from the big cities, and those who brew their own coffee at home.
We want to make fresh, quality coffee available to everyone. We also want to coffee lovers to have the opportunity to experiment with different roast levels and discover how they affect the taste, as well as try their hand at coffee blending.
Why is freshness important in coffee? Most coffee I see have one year expiry dates.
Coffee is a fresh food product. Typically it requires 3-5 days to 'rest', during which it releases carbon dioxide and its flavours even out. Coffee flavours are at their peak after this period. Coffee is best consumed within 4 weeks, after which it becomes noticably stale and dull. We only roast to order and ship out as soon as possible.
A lot of coffee is being roasted and packed for sale up to a year. These coffees taste fine the day the package is opened, but stale at an accelerated pace afterwards. These coffees should be used up as soon as possible.
Which is better, Arabica or Robusta?
Arabica is regarded as the superior variant for its smoother taste and wider range of flavours. Robusta coffee tastes stronger and harsher in comparison. Bean to bean, robusta has twice the caffeine of arabica.
We only roast and sell Arabica coffees.
Do your coffees have any additives?
Our coffees are roasted without any additives, flavourings or preservatives, and packed immediately after roasting.
What is Single Origin coffee?
For most intents and purposes, single origins can be taken as the opposite of blends. Single origin refers to beans originating from a single country, region and processing method, and can be used to define very specific quantities of coffee.
What is acidity?
Acidity (or brightness) in coffee refers to the positive sour notes present in the coffee. Berry and apple nuances are examples of good acidity in coffee. Acidity is generally good for filter brewed coffee and espresso, but may not be so suitable for milk coffee.
Acidity in coffee is not responsible for the stomach discomfort some people experience after consuming coffee.
Grind Levels & Brewing Tips
The grinder is the most important equipment in making coffee. A good grinder can help unlock the full potential and flavour of the coffee. Quality hand grinders like the Orphan Espresso, Hario or Porlex models can perform as well as electric ones, at a fraction of the cost. Choose a grinder that uses burrs, not whirly blades, to grind.
Coffee needs to be ground to different fineness depending on the brewing method. Always grind just before brewing. Below are some estimations to help you find the correct grind level:
Espresso: Between powder and table salt
Moka pot: Table salt
Aeropress: Between table salt and brown sugar
Filter brewing: Brown sugar
French press: Coarse table sugar
Use neutral tasting water, boiled and cooled to approximately 89-93C (wait about 45-60s after boiling). Water above 93C will burn the coffee and cause it to taste bitter.
Brewing coffee can be easy! All you need is a mug and hot water. Or you can also use devices like pourover cones and french presses; both are easily accessible and inexpensive.
Brewing with a mug or french press: We recommend a recipe of 8g of coffee to 100-120ml of water. Grind the coffee to a coarse grind (table sugar grain size). Add the water and steep for 4-5 minutes.
Brewing with cones & filter papers: We recommend a recipe of 8g of coffee to 100-120ml of water. Grind the coffee to a medium grind (brown sugar grain size). Pour some water evenly over the coffee grinds to allow it to bloom (i.e. coffee grinds rising). Once the grinds has stopped blooming, gradually add the rest of the water over the course of 4-5 minutes.
There are many other devices and ways to make coffee, and it will be impossible to cover them all here. Owners of specialized equipment like espresso machines should refer to the manufacturers' guidelines.
Remember, no single grind size, brew temperature or recipe works for all coffees. Let your taste-buds decide. Enjoy experimenting!
How do I get my coffee?
Please refer to the Coffees page on how to order.
Our online orders are shipped via national courier Poslaju the business day after roasting. As delivery charges are dependant on weight and destination, we will confirm via email the delivery charges and the total cost of your order, prior to your payment.
Below is an indication of the delivery charges (subject to change):
If an order is lost in transit, we will replace the order at our cost.
I don't like the coffee I bought. Can I return it?
Unfortunately all goods sold are not exchangeable or refundable. However we would like to hear what you didn't like about it, and maybe suggest a different roast level or a different coffee for your next order (click here for our Contact page).
Kuala Lumpur
250-500g, RM5.30 / 501-750g, RM6.35
Other Peninsular States
250-500g, RM5.95 / 501-750g, RM7.30
East Malaysia
250-500g, RM9.30 / 501-750g, RM11.95