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Varietal: SL28 and SL34 of Kent and Bourbon ancestry

Processing: Washed

Acidity: 4/5

Body: 3/5

In Swahili, the word “tamu” means sweet. With its sweet, syrupy notes and rich mouthfeel this coffee is best enjoyed as a drip or pour-over brew.


Recommended taken black.

Kenya Kiambu Tamu

  • Kenya's coffees are world-renowned for good reason: Nothing tastes quite like them.

    This washed coffee from the Kiambu district is strictly high grown in the Mt. Kenya highlands (1500-1700m.a.s.l.), yielding the complex citric acidity and berry flavors notable of region. This coffee was grown and picked by smallholders and delivered to cooperative wet mills where it was disc pulped, fully fermented and washed, then sun-dried on elevated drying tables.


  • Photo credit: Sergey Pesterev on Unsplash

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